
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Sacred Art Series Giveaway

Leila Lawler's excellent Like Mother Like Daughter blog is hosting a Sacred Art Series giveaway. The winner will be selected next Thursday. Head on over and enter to win a copy of The Holy Gospels of St. Luke and St. John or a set of the Rosary Flip Books.

Leila has also reviewed the products. Here's a great line from Leila's review:

In addition, the Gospels offer something I think we’ve all looked for — not Bible stories but the actual Scriptures — but presented without the distraction of notes and numbers. Of course we all have our study Bibles handy. But for prayer and for the young person who is past Bible stories but still needs something simpler (yet still with a good translation and beautiful production), this edition can NOT be beat. Perfect for your teenage godson, perfect for your spouse.