A new version of the Large Rosary Flip Book is now available at Amazon!
The very first product of the Sacred Art Series was the 8" x 10" version of the Rosary Flip Book, which I designed to help families pray the rosary. Praying the rosary without images to meditate on is difficult; and strangely, there seemed to be no such aid already in existence. But whenever you create something new, you also wonder whether others will actually find it helpful. Maybe there's a reason nobody created this before?
Less than a year after the 8" x 10" version was released, I am happy to report that it has sold out! I am grateful especially to bloggers Leila Lawler (Like Mother Like Daughter Blog) and Kendra Tierney (Catholic All Year) whose favorable reviews and many readers helped generate early publicity for the Rosary Flip Books and the Sacred Art Series.
Over the last year, I've released a small 4" x 5" Rosary Flip Book, a 6" x 6" Luminous Mysteries Rosary Flip Book, and the flagship of the Sacred Art Series, The Holy Gospels of St. Luke and St. John, which is a unique and beautifully illustrated one volume life of Christ. The last year has also given me time to consider comments from buyers and to look for ways to improve the Sacred Art Series and to continue developing new devotional aids to help our families grow in holiness.
So now that the 8" x 10" Rosary Flip Book is sold out, it's time to replace it with a new and improved version, which will simply be called the Large Rosary Flip Book. The Large Rosary Flip Book's dimensions are 7" x 8.75" and thus is slightly smaller than its predecessor. I found that slightly decreasing the size made the stand sturdier and increased the resolution of the image; and despite the slightly reduced size, the images remain plenty large enough to be seen from across the room.
We hope you all like the new and improved Large Rosary Flip Book.
In the below picture, the Large Rosary Flip Book is in the center; to its left is the Luminous Mysteries Rosary Flip Book; to its right, the Small (4" x 5") Rosary Flip Book.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!